This is probably my favorite place on Earth...
But these were from last summer not this summer. Maybe someday I'll get to add in
the ones from the infamous Crompton/Weaver summer '98. I love you Molly and Cassie! (and Libby too!)
I could dedicate a page just to us-If I ever get time-I will.
I'll commerate our summer with a few notes anyway:
Cornflakes are yummy!
M Point, P Island
Scooby Doo mobile says it all!
I love the stars-Can someone find me a triangle or a Ben Satellite?
I miss Canada so much!!!! Someday the Cromptons and Weavers will have an island and Jason can fly us in and out and so on....
The infamous McBay '98 pictures have arrived....(some of them anyway)
There are more but I haven't sized them yet-Maybe later on tonight-who knows? Not like
anyone comes here and will notice anyway!